Adding deployment project in bamboo

We can easily associate the deployment project with build plan in Bamboo. Please follow below steps to create deployment project. Before creating the deployment project for any build plan, ensure that artifacts generated by the build plan are shared as shown in below image.To create new deployment project, configure the plan and go to the stages tab. Then click on Create deployment project.On next page, you need to provide the name of the project and branch to be used.On next page, you need to provide the environment where the deployment should be made.On next page, provide the name of environment and continue to task setup.On next page, you can add one or more deployment tasks.Below image shows that we have added SCP task to transfer the artifact on FTP server.SCP deployment task in BambooYou can view all deployment projects in Bamboo as shown in below image. To start the deployment, you need to click on arrow-cloud icon.On next page, you can select the build result and also provide the release name.

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