Java Tutorial
IntroductionEnvironment SetupIDEBuild ManagementLanguage SpecificationBasic ProgramVariablesData TypesPackagesModifiersConditionalsLoopsObject OrientedClassesSuperInterfacesEnumStatic importInheritanceAbstractionEncapsulationPolymorphismBoxing & UnboxingConversion Formatting numbers Arrays Command line arguments in java Variable Number of arguments in Java Exception handling in Java String handling in Java StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java Mathematical Operations in Java Date and Time in Java Regular expressions in Java Input output programming in Java File Handling Nested Classes Collections Generics Serialization Socket programming Multi-Threading Annotations Lambda Expressions Reflections in Java Singleton class in Java Runtime Class in JavaHow to load resource in JavaHow to load properties file in JavaAdvanced
Log4j – Logging framework in JavaInterview Questions in JavaThere are 4 types of looping statements in Java.

- for – 2 variations
- while
- do ….while
- foreach method in Java 8 – used to iterate through collection type of class
package loops;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Created by Sagar on 16-04-2016.
public class Loops {
public static void main(String [] args){
//for loop
for(int i=1;i<=3;i++){
System.out.println("Value of i in for loop -> " + i);
//another for loop
ArrayList<String> a = new ArrayList<>();
for(String s : a){
//Print each element in ArrayList
System.out.println("In other for loop -> " + s);
//do loop
int i = 1;
System.out.println("Value of i in do loop -> " + i++);
//while loop
i = 1;
System.out.println("Value of i in While loop -> " + i++);
//foreach using lambda expression
a.forEach((s)->System.out.println("Inside foreach loop -> " + s));
Here is the output of above Java example
Value of i in for loop -> 1
Value of i in for loop -> 2
Value of i in for loop -> 3
In other for loop -> Brisbane
In other for loop -> Mumbai
In other for loop -> London
Value of i in do loop -> 1
Value of i in do loop -> 2
Value of i in do loop -> 3
Value of i in do loop -> 4
Value of i in While loop -> 1
Value of i in While loop -> 2
Value of i in While loop -> 3
Value of i in While loop -> 4
Inside foreach loop -> Brisbane
Inside foreach loop -> Mumbai
Inside foreach loop -> London
break and continue keyword in Java
break keyword is used to come out of loop. continue keyword is used to jump to next iteration in a loop. These keywords can be used in for loop, while loop, do…while loop Below example illustrates the use of break and continue keywords.
package loops;
* Created by Sagar on 19-04-2016.
public class BreakContinue {
public static void main(String [] args){
System.out.println("break keyword");
//break keyword breaks out of loop and executes next statement
for (int i=1;i<10;i++){
if (i==5)
System.out.println("value of i is -> " + i);
System.out.println("continue keyword");
for (int i=1;i<10;i++){
//continue keyword takes control to the beginning of loop
//It does not execute statements that follow
if (i==5)
System.out.println("value of i is -> " + i);
int [] a = {1,2,3};
for(int v:a){
Here is the output of above example.
break keyword
value of i is -> 1
value of i is -> 2
value of i is -> 3
value of i is -> 4
continue keyword
value of i is -> 1
value of i is -> 2
value of i is -> 3
value of i is -> 4
value of i is -> 6
value of i is -> 7
value of i is -> 8
value of i is -> 9

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