Java Tutorial
IntroductionEnvironment SetupIDEBuild ManagementLanguage SpecificationBasic ProgramVariablesData TypesPackagesModifiersConditionalsLoopsObject OrientedClassesSuperInterfacesEnumStatic importInheritanceAbstractionEncapsulationPolymorphismBoxing & UnboxingConversion Formatting numbers Arrays Command line arguments in java Variable Number of arguments in Java Exception handling in Java String handling in Java StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java Mathematical Operations in Java Date and Time in Java Regular expressions in Java Input output programming in Java File Handling Nested Classes Collections Generics Serialization Socket programming Multi-Threading Annotations Lambda Expressions Reflections in Java Singleton class in Java Runtime Class in JavaHow to load resource in JavaHow to load properties file in JavaAdvanced
Log4j – Logging framework in JavaInterview Questions in JavaIn this topic, we will learn classes in Java. A class is the kind of an entity in real world. Each class has certain attributes . For example – Car, Student, Person, Phone, Account. All of these are classes. Each class has unique attributes (also called as members – fields/methods in Java). At broad level, there are 2 types of classes.
- Concrete classes – all methods are defined. We can create objects of concrete classes. When we create a object of the class, default constructor is called. We can also create parameterized constructors.
- Abstract classes- In abstract class, at least one method is not defined. (just declared). We can not create objects of Abstract classes.
package oops;
* Created by Sagar on 16-04-2016.
public class Classes {
public static void main(String [] args){
//Below statement creates the object
Car audi = new Car();
//accessing the method of the class Car
System.out.println("Audi is the Object of type Car");
//accessing the field of the class Car
System.out.println("Year of audi car object -> " + audi.year);
//Another car object - Huyndai Santro
Car i30 = new Car("Huyndai",2001);
System.out.println("Year of i30 -> " + i30.year);
class Car{
//Each class has one or more Members (Fields and Methods)
//Fields of Class Car
int year;
String make;
String model;
//Constructors of Class
//There can be one or more constructors
//If you do not declare any constructor,
//default empty constructor is used.
System.out.println("Constructing empty object");
Car(String make, int year){
System.out.println("Constructing Car with parameters");
this.make = make;
this.year = year;
//Methods of class
public void setMake(String make){
this.make = make;
public void setModel(String model){
this.model = model;
public void setYear(int year){
this.year = year;
Here is the output of above example.
Constructing empty object
Audi is the Object of type Car
Year of audi car object -> 2011
Constructing Car with parameters
Year of i30 -> 2001
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