Java Tutorial
IntroductionEnvironment SetupIDEBuild ManagementLanguage SpecificationBasic ProgramVariablesData TypesPackagesModifiersConditionalsLoopsObject OrientedClassesSuperInterfacesEnumStatic importInheritanceAbstractionEncapsulationPolymorphismBoxing & UnboxingConversion Formatting numbers Arrays Command line arguments in java Variable Number of arguments in Java Exception handling in Java String handling in Java StringBuffer and StringBuilder in Java Mathematical Operations in Java Date and Time in Java Regular expressions in Java Input output programming in Java File Handling Nested Classes Collections Generics Serialization Socket programming Multi-Threading Annotations Lambda Expressions Reflections in Java Singleton class in Java Runtime Class in JavaHow to load resource in JavaHow to load properties file in JavaAdvanced
Log4j – Logging framework in JavaInterview Questions in JavaIn this post, you will learn how to handle date and time in Java. 3 important classes to work with Date and time in Java are
- Date – Legacy date class.
- Calendar – calculating the difference between dates, adding, deleting duration from dates.
- SimpleDateFormat – formatting dates.
package datetime;
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class DateTime {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
//SimpleDateFormat can be used to specify the format of date
//example - yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss, MM/dd/yyyy
DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
System.out.println("Todays date -> "
+ dateFormat.format(cal.getTime()));
//get future date by adding 15 days to current date
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 15);
System.out.println("15 Days from today -> "
+ dateFormat.format(cal.getTime()));
//get past date by subtracting 25 days from it.
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -25);
System.out.println("25 days in the past -> "
+ dateFormat.format(cal.getTime()));
//For comparing dates, use Date class
Date date1 = dateFormat.parse("11-12-2020");
Date date2 = dateFormat.parse("11-12-2016");
Date date3 = new Date();
System.out.println("date 1 -> " + dateFormat.format(date1));
System.out.println("date 2 -> " + dateFormat.format(date2));
System.out.println("date 3 -> " + dateFormat.format(date3));
if (date1.before(date2))
System.out.println("Date1 falls before Date2");
if (date1.after(date3))
System.out.println("Date1 falls after Date3");
if (date1.equals(date2))
System.out.println("Date1 and Date2 fall on same day");
Here is the output of above example.
Todays date -> 16-04-2016
15 Days from today -> 01-05-2016
25 days in the past -> 06-04-2016
date 1 -> 11-12-2020
date 2 -> 11-12-2016
date 3 -> 16-04-2016
Date1 falls after Date3
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