JavaScript Tutorial
indexjavascript history javascript versions environment setup variables and data typesOperatorsstrings and numbers programming constructs arrays built in objects functions objects call apply bind closures error handling debugging CallbacksJS in Browser
BOM and DOMBrowser EventsWeb APIAjaxJQueryMost popular librariesAdvanced
prototypes Object Oriented ProgrammingModulesAsynchronous programmingBinary DataInternationalizationreactangularjsProjectsMiscellaneous
typescriptJS ecosystemChrome dev toolstesting frameworksInterview questions and Answerstypescript basics
Typescript is a language developed by Microsoft and it is a superset of JS. Main objective of typescript is to provide type safety to JS code.
npm install typescript -D
npx tsc
#Below command will create tsconfig.json file where you can put config for
# typescript compiler
npx tsc --init
let name: string = "Sagar";
let id:number = 1234
//below statement will throw error saying
//type number is not assignable to type string
name = 23
let users: string[] = [];
//tuples - it's an array with mixed types
let car: [number, string, boolean];
// store values in tuple
car = [30000, "Tesla", true];
//enums - by default it will start from 0
enum ShirtSize{
//we can also assign the numbers to enums like below
enum HTTPCodes{
Success : 200,
Error : 400
//we can also assign the names to enums like below
enum Days{
SUN : 'Sunday',
MON : 'Monday'
//adding types to objects...please note that color is optinal prop
let phone:{price:number,model:string, color?:string} = {
price : 800,
model : 'samsung'
//above syntax is works but not recommended. Instead of that,
// use type alias or interfaces
type Phone = {
price : number,
model: string | number,
color?: string
let phone1:Phone = {
price : 1300,
model : "iPhone 14",
color: "golden"
//using interface
interface IPhone {
price : number,
model: string,
color?: string
let phone2:IPhone = {
price : 1300,
model : "iPhone 14",
color: "golden"
//typing functions
function sum(a: number, b: number, ...others: number[]) : number {
return a + b + others.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
//using type alias - note that => is added before return type
type sumType = (a: number, b: number) => number;
//using interface - note that : is added before return type
interface sumType {
(a: number, b: number) : number;
//casting can be done in ways - obj as or (<MyType>obj)
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