JavaScript Tutorial
indexjavascript history javascript versions environment setup variables and data typesOperatorsstrings and numbers programming constructs arrays built in objects functions objects call apply bind closures error handling debugging CallbacksJS in Browser
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typescriptJS ecosystemChrome dev toolstesting frameworksInterview questions and AnswersStrings and numbers in javascript
Strings in JavaScript
Important points to note about Strings are given below- Strings are primitive data types
- Strings are passed by value
- All strings inherit methods defined in String.prototype
- Strings are immutable in JavaScript
- Literal Strings do not have any methods of its own
- Literal Strings inherit methods from String.prototype using Autoboxing process
String methods in JavaScript
//string methods
let name = "Harry Potter"
//get the length of string
//output - 12
//replace the specific portion of string
//output - Tom Potter
//replace the specific portion of string using regular expression
//output - Tom Potter
//remove all blank spaces from the string using regular expression
console.log("Remove space " + name.replace(/s/i,""))
//output - HarryPotter
//split the string
console.log(name.split(" ")[0])
//output - Harry
//search the substring
//output - 1
//search the substring using indexOf -
//This method can not take regular expression
//output - 1
//extract substring starting from index
//output - Potter
//output - Harry Potter
//change case
//output - harry potter
Numbers in JavaScript
//Number methods
console.log(12 + 13)
//output - 25
console.log(12 + "13")
//output - 1213
console.log(12 + 0.3)
//output - 12.3
let x = 2.34344545;
//output - 2.34
//output - NaN
//output - Infinity
console.log(parseInt("234 fdf"))
//output - 234
console.log(parseInt(" fdf"))
//output - NaN
console.log(parseFloat("234.43 fdf"))
//output - 234.43
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