JavaScript Tutorial
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JavaScript was first released in 1995 and confirms to ECMAScript (ES) specification. ECMAScript version 1 was released in 1997 and since then there have been lot of revisions as mentioned below.ES5 features - 2009
Here is the list of features added in ES5.- use strict directive - declare variables explicitly
- String.trim() method added - used to remove white spaces from both ends of String
- String.charAt() method added - used to get character at specific position in String
- Lot of methods added to Array - isArray, foreach, map, filter, reduce, every sum, indexof, lastindexof
- JSON object new methods - parse, stringify
- method added
- Object related changes - getters and setters, adding new property to objects
- Access String property using []
- support for multiline string literals
ES6 features - 2015
Here is the list of features added in ES6.- let
- const
- Promises
- ES6 modules - import and export syntax
- Arrow function - similar to lambda in Java
- Class syntax
- Template literals
- for ... of loop
- Default parameters
- New Array methods - find() and findIndex()
- New Number methods - isFinite() and isNaN()
- map, set, weakmap, weakset
- Binary data
- Typed Arrays
- Iterators
ES7 features - 2016
Here is the list of features added in ES7.- Array.prototype.includes
- Exponentiation - ** - similar to Math.Pow
- Destructuring
- async .. await
ES8 - 2017
- Object.values, Object.entries and Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors
- Concurrency and atomics features
- asyn ...await improvements
ES9 - 2018
- spread operator and rest parameters - ...
- Promise.prototype.finally
ES10 - 2019
- Array.prototype.flat, Array.prototype.flatMap, Improvements in Array.sort and Object.fromEntries
- Catch binding is optional
ES11 - 2020
- BigInt - supports number larger than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
- ?? - nullish coalescing operator - returns right hand side operand when left hand side operand is null or undefined. For false and NaN, it returns false and NaN itself unlike || operator.
- globalThis object
- optional chaining - ?.
ES12 - 2021
- replaceAll method for strings
- Promise.any
- AggregateError
- ??=, ||=
- garbage collection improvements
- Array.prototype.sort improvements
ES13 - 2022
- Regular expression indexing improvements
- at() method for indexable object
- top level await
- error.cause
- Array.prototype.findLast() and Array.prototype.findLastIndex()
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