JavaScript Tutorial
indexjavascript history javascript versions environment setup variables and data typesOperatorsstrings and numbers programming constructs arrays built in objects functions objects call apply bind closures error handling debugging CallbacksJS in Browser
BOM and DOMBrowser EventsWeb APIAjaxJQueryMost popular librariesAdvanced
prototypes Object Oriented ProgrammingModulesAsynchronous programmingBinary DataInternationalizationreactangularjsProjectsMiscellaneous
typescriptJS ecosystemChrome dev toolstesting frameworksInterview questions and AnswersInterview questions and answers in javascript
Here is the list of most frequently asked interview questionswhy and when we need to bind the method in a class to this?
what is "use strict" mode in JS
When "use strict" directive is used at the beginning of scope, below restriction apply.- All variables must be declared
- Few keywords are reserved and can not be used as variables like private, protected, public, static, package, interface etc
What is web assembly
What's first and third party cookie?
Explain URL object
URL class can be used to create url object for given url.
let url = new URL("http://localhost:3000/tutorials/javascript/bom-dom");
host: "localhost:3000"
hostname: "localhost"
href: "http://localhost:3000/tutorials/javascript/bom-dom"
origin: "http://localhost:3000"
protocol: "http:"
port: "3000"
pathname: "/tutorials/javascript/bom-dom"
search: ""
searchParams: URLSearchParams(0)
username: ""
password: ""
Explain console object's methods
- console.log,, console.error, console.debug, console.warn
- console.table - show data in tabular format
- console.dir - show object with hirarchy
- console.time(), console.timeEnd() and console.timeLog() - used to measure time
- console.trace - print stack trace
this in JS
In NodeJS runtime, globalThis = global. In Browser runtime, globalThis = window.JS animations vs CSS animations
Popular JS lib that can be used in browser for animation, drawing charts
what is mixins?
What is selection and range
What is mutation oberver in JS
Whats is shadow DOM?
What is iterator and generators
Explain property flags and descriptors
Explain property getters and setters
Explain Object creation patterns
- - literal
- - new Object()
- - Object.create()
- - Constructors
Important resources
How to access all properties and methods of object
for(var key in localStorage) {
console.log (localStorage[key]);
Explain closures
Using closures, we can hide inner details of function and also create public and private methods A pattern often used in place of an object with a single method, is to take advantage of closure by creating a function that returns an inner function. That inner function will have access to any variables defined in the outer function, without ever exposing those variables to a larger scope. all public methods should be returned in outer function and private methods should not be returned. public methods will access private variables and methods using closure concept.Explain Prototypes
var parent = { property: 2 };
//here child object is created using parent's prototype so child will inherit properties of parent
var child = Object.create(parent);
console.log(; = 3;
difference between == and ===
=== check the equality of value and type. e.g "2"==2 is true but "2"===2 is false.output of 1+2+"3" and "1"+2+3
1+2+"3" and "1"+2+3 will have different output - 33 and 123 respectively.undefined vs null
All unassigned variables will have a default value of undefined. null is a object. We can delete the object reference by setting variable to null.delete element in array
//delete an element in array
function removeAllElements(array, elem) {
var index = array.indexOf(elem);
while (index > -1) {
array.splice(index, 1);
index = array.indexOf(elem);
How to get browser and OS details
Navigator.appVersion and Navigator.platform
How to format the Date
new Date().getDate(), getMonth(), getFullYear()
How to write multi line code
We can write multi line code by using \void(0)
void(0) means do nothing. Even default action is not done. e.g. clicking on link will not open the new page.Difference between call, apply and bind
Explain event bubbling
unescape() and escape() vs decodeURI() and encodeURI()
How to delete the object's property
delete keyword is used to delete the property and value.
//delete an element in array
let car= {price:20, model:"Honda"};
delete car.price;
Difference between Set and Map and WeakSet and WeakMap
Best Practises
Real life examples and challenges
Web development and Automation testing
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