JavaScript Tutorial
indexjavascript history javascript versions environment setup variables and data typesOperatorsstrings and numbers programming constructs arrays built in objects functions objects call apply bind closures error handling debugging CallbacksJS in Browser
BOM and DOMBrowser EventsWeb APIAjaxJQueryMost popular librariesAdvanced
prototypes Object Oriented ProgrammingModulesAsynchronous programmingBinary DataInternationalizationreactangularjsProjectsMiscellaneous
typescriptJS ecosystemChrome dev toolstesting frameworksInterview questions and AnswersMost popular JS libraries
Here is the list of most popular JS libraries used in web apps.- lodash
- axios
- underscore
- webpack
- uuid
- aws-sdk
- vue
- typescript
- gulp
- redux
- @babel/core
- @angular/core
- @types/node
- chalk
- eslint
- dotenv
- cheerio
- babel-loader
- request
- commander
- react
- express
- debug
- async
- fs-extra
- moment
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