Asynchronous programming in javascript

Asynchronous programming is a technique in which parallel programming is achieved within a single thread. In synchronous programming, instructions are executed in sequence. But in async programming, instructions may not be executed in a sequence specified in the file. Program does not wait for blocking operation like reading from file/network.

//JS engine delegates the async function to web API which starts the timer
//after the timeout event (or any other event e.g. click),web api adds the callback function to callback queue
//event loop keeps on checking the call stack.
//It checks the callback queue continously 
//when call stack is empty and there some tasks in callback queue, task is given to JS engine for execution
let a = 10
setTimeout(()=>{console.log("asynchronous hi")},1000)
console.log("Synchronouse", a)

Queues in JS

There are 2 types of queues.
  • callback/task queue - e.g. setTimeOut
  • microtask/job queue - e.g. promises


Historically we have been using callbacks to run code asynchronously. But due to callback hell, promises were introduced.

setTimeout(()=>{ console.log("first task") 
setTimeout(()=>{ console.log("second task")
setTimeout(()=>{ console.log("Third task") },1000) },1000) },1000)


A promise is nothing but the task that needs to be done asynchronously. A promise is an object that may get resolved or rejected or remain in pending status and produce the output. Promise can be in 3 states
  • fulfilled
  • rejected
  • pending

async function f1() {
  return new Promise((res, rej) => {
    setTimeout(res, 1001);

let p1 = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
  console.log("My Promise P1 Pending");
  await f1();
p1.then(() => {
  console.log("My Promise P1 resolved");

setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);

let p2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  console.log("My Promise P2 Pending");
p2.then(() => {
  console.log("My Promise P2 resolved");

Important things to note about Promises
  • Promises allows us to write neat code that looks like synchronous. But it is not.
  • Any function that returns a promise is a producer.
  • then, catch, finally are consumers which run when promise is ready(either resolved or rejected or thrown error)
  • promise.then(fulfilhandler,rejecthandler).catch(errorhandler)

//first argument is a function that runs when promise is fulfilled
(fulfilledResult)=>console.log("Fulfilled", fulfilledResult), 
//second argument is a function that runs when promise is rejected
(rejectedResult)=>console.log("failed", rejectedResult)) 
.catch(err => console.log(err))

let firstTaskPromise = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
  resolve("first task")

let secondTaskPromise = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
  resolve("second task")

let thirdTaskPromise = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
  resolve("third task")

 (result) =>{ 
     return secondTaskPromise
 (result) =>{ 
     return thirdTaskPromise
 (result) =>{ 
//real life example

-  You can fetch below url from any domaon as acces control allow origin is 
set to *
- - Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
- fetch("").then((res)=> res.text()).then((text)=>console.log(text))

.then(function(response) {
  return response.text();
.then(function(text) {

Array of Promise objects

  • Promise.all - It resolves only when all promises resolve. if all promises are resolved, it returns the array of promise result.
  • allSettled - It always resolves even though one of the promise gets rejected
  • race - waits only for the first settled promise and gets its result (or error).
  • any - even though second promise is rejected, it keeps waiting for other promises until one of them is fulfilled. if all promises are rejected, error comes - AggregateError: No Promise in Promise.any was resolved

let urls = [

// map every url to the promise of the fetch
let requests = => fetch(url));

  .then(responses => responses.forEach(
  response => console.log(response.url, response.status)))
  .catch(err => console.log("error oc", err))

.then(promise => console.log(promise))
.catch(err => console.log(err))

.then(promise => console.log("prom", promise))
.catch(err => console.log("errrr", err))

  .then(promise => console.log("prom", promise))
  .catch(err => console.log("errrr", err))

async await

let response = await fetch("");

async function f() {

let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  setTimeout(() => resolve("done!"), 1000)

let result = await promise; 
// wait until the promise resolves (*)

alert(result); // "done!"


let results = await Promise.all([


Before promises were added JavaScript, we used to use callbacks. But we can convert old callback based functions into promises easily. This process is called as promisification.

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