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Inspecting iOS app elements using appium
To learn the element properties in the app, you will have to use inspector tool (Search icon in below image) provided with Appium app. You can dwonload appium desktop app at https://github.com/appium/appium-desktop/releasesOn the next screen, You need to specify the capabilities like bundleId, platformName, platformVersion, deviceName and then start the session. If you have the .app file, you can provide the path of .app file in app capability. Otherwise if app is already installed in the simulator and you know the bundle id, you can use bundleId capability to launch the app. Here is the list of bundle Ids of some of the apps.
- Settings app - com.apple.Preferences
- Phone app - com.apple.mobilephone
- Weather app - com.apple.weather
- Calculator app - com.apple.calculator
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