Home Appium Environment Setup Android Emulators iOS Simulators Appium Architecture Android chrome app automation Safari browser automation Appium Capabilities Inspecting android apps Native Android app automation Inspecting iOS app Native iOS app Automation Real Android Phone automation Real iPhone automation Element Identification Pressing button FaceId and TouchId Fingerprint automation Drag and Drop Tap and press Swipe gestures Hybrid app automation Execute script Synchronization in Appium Screenshots Page Object Models Cucumber and Appium Appium integration with azure Appium and Selenium Grid Running tests in browserstack Parallel testing Recording tests Mobile automation framework Errors and Exceptions in Appium Mobile automation test strategy Mobile automation challenges Appium QnA
Appium capabilities
Here is the list of common Appium capabilities- automationName - Selendroid, UiAutomator2, Espresso, XCUITest, YouiEngine
- platformName - iOS, Android, Firefox OS
- platformVersion - e.g. 8
- deviceName - e.g. iPhone 8
- app - path to .ipa, .apk, .app, .apks files
- fullReset - reset the app
- noReset - reset app data only
- browserName - Safari, Chrome, Browser (for android native browser)
- newCommandTimeout - Session timeout
- language - fr,de
- locale - fr_CA, US,UK, IN, AU
- udid - device id
- autoWebview - switch context to webview automatically
- printPageSourceOnFindFailure -
Android specific Capabilities
Here is the list of android specific capabilities- appActivity - main activity name
- appPackage - App Package name
- chromedriverExecutable - path to chromedriver
- chromeOptions -
- androidScreenshotPath - where to save the screenshots
- autoGrantPermissions - grant app permissions automatically
- gpsEnabled -
- isHeadless -
- unlockType - pin/password/pattern/fingerprint
- unlockKey - 2348
- otherApps - list of apps to be installed
Examples - Capabilities to run test on iPhone 7
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "11.0",
"deviceName": "iPhone 7",
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"app": "/path/to/my.app"
Examples - Capabilities to run test on only Android Emulator attached to PC
"platformName": "android",
"deviceName": "Pixel 9",
"appPackage": "com.android.calculator2",
"automationName": "com.android.calculator2.Calculator"
Appium Capabilities
https://caps.cloudgrey.io/ provides list of all possible capabilities for various platforms like android, iOS, Windows, Mac etc
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