Loops in windows powershell scripting

We have below looping statements in Powershell
  • C-Style for loop
  • foreach

C-style for loop

You can use below syntax to create a for loop.
for ($i=1;$i -lt 10; $i++) {
    echo “Printing $i”

foreach (also called as % and foreach-object) loop

You can use foreach loop to iterate through arrays and collections.
foreach ($city in $cities) {
    echo “City is $city”

You can also use foreach loop to work on piped data as shown in below example. Here we are printing length of each line in the file.
> Get-Content cities.txt | foreach {echo $_.length}

While Loop

Powershell also provides while loop and do..while loop constructs just like C language. Below example shows the simple while loop. It will print values from 0 to 6 and then exit.
     echo $i
     if ($i-gt 5){

$i = $i + 1


Do….While Loop

Powershell also provides do..while loop construct just like C language. Below example shows the simple do….while loop. It will print values from 0 to 6 and then exit.
       echo $i
      if ($i-gt 5){

$i = $i + 1


Do…Until Loop

You can use do until loop using below syntax. Below script will print from 0 to 5 and then exit.
echo $i
$i = $i + 1

}until($i -gt 5)

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