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- The Landmark Deal: How Sabeer Bhatia Negotiated the Sale of Hotmail to Microsoft for $400 Million
- Various software roles in IT industry
- difference between the roles of a System Architect and an Engineering Lead
- Difference between Startup accelerators and venture capital (VC) firms
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- In-Demand Software Skills in Australia: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
- why we have stream module as well as web streams module in nodejs
- Difference between The Worker Threads module in Node.js and Web Workers in web browsers
- Why we need The Worker Threads module in Node.js
- How to use gzip in nodejs server
- Example of The zlib module in Node.js
- difference between the net and tls modules in Node.js
- why we run BrowserStack Local binary before running automation tests
- why we do not specify the driver when automating Safari browser
- difference between canary and beta releases
- how Selenium uses HTTP commands to automate a browser
- difference between chromedriver and chrome.exe
- Where does RabbitMQ store the messages When consumers are not available
- difference between AMQP and MQTT
- Producer and consumer code to interact with RabbitMQ in nodejs
- Difference between Sharding and partitioning
- Use cases of Node.js streaming API
- NodeJS data streaming api CSV and JSON example
- Difference between Message queuing and Kafka's distributed data streaming
- Real-world example to understand how Kafka can be used in a typical scenario
- Apache Kafka and Kubernetes (K8s) architecture similarities
- Apache Kafka's architecture
- why we can not build kafka like system using nodejs streaming api
- why we need kafka or aws kinesis when we have streaming api in nodejs
- Why we need data streaming
- How the Content Security Policy - CSP is used to prevent security attacks
- Malicious Java Script examples
- XSS attack on a web app example
- Types of Security attacks on a web app
- SQL injection in a web app - example
- Difference between Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) and Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
- Elasticsearch alternatives
- Real world use cases of Elasticsearch
- Difference between AWS Lambda and container-based deployments
- Difference between AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) and AWS Fargate
- Difference between AWS App Runner and AWS Fargate
- How the Amazon Kinesis works internally
- why we can not use database instead of using aws kinesis
- Real life use cases of Amazon Kinesis in various industries
- How AWS Activate can help your business scale new heights
- Difference between Google Cloud Run and Google App Engine
- Difference between AWS App Runner and AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Difference between domain registrar and DNS manager
- How hadoop processes big data in a scalable manner
- Real life examples of big data
- Difference between Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce) and a data warehouse
- Real life use cases of Amazon EMR (Elastic MapReduce)
- how cloudflare manages cache invalidation
- how cloudflare determines what to cache and what not to cache
- Comparison between Amazon CloudFront and Cloudflare
- can we use AWS cloudfront for web app hosted on third party server?
- Amazon CloudFront use cases
- Meaning of EBS - Amazon Elastic Block Store
- Difference between Amazon S3 and Amazon EBS
- Difference between Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and EC2 instance storage
- why we can not use database instead of SQS message queue service
- Real-life use cases of Amazon SQS service
- difference between DynamoDB and DocumentDB
- difference between AWS Simpledb and RDS
- Docker Swarm commands
- Docker Swarm components
- How to exit Docker Swarm mode
- How to launch web app in Docker Swarm mode
- Difference between Kubernetes (K8s) and Docker Swarm
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- Use case of Docker Swarm
- Difference between Docker, containerd, CRI-O
- Kubernetes (k8s) cluster components
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- Difference between edge server and CDN server
- How the GeoDNS service works
- How the request routing works in vercel edge network
- How the vercel edge network works
- How the edge network is created
- Difference between Edge Network and Data Center
- How to build static sites using Hugo, Jekyll, or Gatsby on Windows
- How datadog works
- Significance of volume in docker
- How to build the docker image to run the websocket server in nodejs
- difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT in dockerfile
- Real life examples of EventEmitter in nodejs
- Real-life examples where WebSocket is used
- Architectures of Broker-based, Peer-to-peer, and Distributed systems
- Difference between GraphqQL and Rest API
- Difference between RabbitMQ, ZeroMQ, and Kafka
- Apart from http, what other protocols are used for communication
- How to implement rate limiting in express app using upstash
- What happens when Docker Swarm manager node dies
- How the automatic scaling works in docker swarm
- why we need Automatic service discovery
- Significance of --driver overlay option in Docker networking commands
- Real life use cases of using network in docker with examples
- How to create docker image to start express server
- can dockerfile contain instructions to build multiple images in same file
- How do we tell what command docker container will run after starting
- How to use correlation id to track the request flow in nextjs app
- How to correlation id to track the request flow in expressjs app
- difference between winston, morgan and datadog
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- code to extend the session expiry in express nodejs
- why we need JWT when we have database based sessions
- How next auth extends the session at regular intervals
- Web app Session managment patterns - JWT and session Ids
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- difference between root, html and body
- How to prevent web scraping of a website
- difference between onedrive and sharepoint
- why we need Meta http-equiv default-style
- Responsive website design tips
- How to prevent DDoS attack against public files in S3
- How to secure files hosted on S3 bucket from DDoD attacks
- why meta element with name viewport is required for responsive design
- what is the default charset used by browser
- what is the significance of lang attribute in html
- how to convert less and sass to plain css files
- LESS and SASS css preprocessor differences
- why url encoding is required
- Automation testing interview process in Australia
- Elasticsearch alternatives
- Difference between Elasticsearch and Splunk
- what database ElasticSearch uses to store data
- Difference between Elasticsearch and Kibana
- What is SAP S/4 HANA
- What is SAP SuccessFactors
- How Payroll processing works in SAP
- Difference between Sentry and FullStory and LogRocket
- Difference between FullStory and LogRocket
- How FullStory works in a web app
- How logrocket records http calls
- API used to take screenshot of webpage
- does logrocket use ffmpeg to record the web app session
- how logrocket works
- why we need Time Series Databases
- How to store logs and events
- difference between Splunk and a database query
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- why we need snowflake software
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- why we need load balancer in front of api gateway
- why we need api gateway like kong or apigee
- do we need API gateway like kong or flex gateway in nextjs App
- difference between Apigee and Swagger
- Apigee alternatives
- Difference between Flex Gateway and Apigee
- Difference between Anypoint and Sailpoint
- do we need SAP if we have salesforce
- why we need sailpoint when we have active directory and windows domain
- Difference between SailPoint and AWS IAM
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- unable to delete test plan folder in ALM
- host is locked by another test UFT ALM error
- ALM platform loader msi error during UFT installation
- Document is read only error in UFT 2023
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- Framer Motion Fade from left or right animation example in react
- Framer Motion animation example in react
- top animation libraries for React
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- does aws use hyper v or oracle virtual box
- Difference between Hyper-V and Oracle VirtualBox
- How hyper-v works
- Docker runs on hyper-v then how is it different than Virtual machines?
- Difference between the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) backend and Hyper-V
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- top 5 websites for finding remote software engineering jobs
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- Online shopping Open source projects using react, nextjs , js, python
- why we need docker
- difference between url rewrite and redirect
- Most popular logging libraries for web app back end
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- why I need apache kafka if I can store data in database?
- Kafka Alternatives
- is it possible to protect the content in cloudfront so that only authorized and authenticated users can access it?
- do we need to store the files and videos on aws cloudfront servers manually ?
- is H.264 is supported by all devices and browsers?
- why we need to process videos after upload to s3 or any other video platform
- Comparison between AWS S3 and Mux for storing and serving the videos
- do we need to store presigned urls from aws s3 in database ?
- Can aws s3 presigned urls be accessed by public?
- How to design the video sharing web app with nextjs
- if grid can do everything that flexbox does, can I use only css grid?
- can we make any complex layout using css grid?
- Differences between css grid and css flexbox
- can we use Figma for converting design into html and css?
- Alternatives of Figma
- difference between UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience)
- How google docs worked before the websockets were invented
- Sticky sessions and use cases
- can we configure http protocol version in express or nextjs server?
- difference between http3 and websocket
- difference between http2 and websocket
- difference between Stateless and stateful servers
- Can we create a WebSocket server using Express.js
- can we use Websockets in mobile apps?
- Websocket use cases
- comet in web development
- poll and push strategies in system design
- do we need Redis as a caching layer in front of Amazon DynamoDB
- do we need redis cache in nextjs app because route caching is already available
- How to implement sharding in nextjs app using mongodb
- What are the drawbacks of short urls
- How to design url shortening system
- How the URL shortening service works
- Explain various non functional requirements of complex system and how to meet these requirements using aws services
- How to design a streaming system like youtube or netflix
- Can You Make API Gateway Optional for a Small System
- How to design a chat application like slack, Microsoft teams
- why we need api gateway in front of api server
- how nextjs determines which page should be served statically by cdn
- Differences between Redis and Next.js caching
- Differences between Redis and Memcached
- GraphQL vs traditional rest api - which one to use and when
- Firebase, Appwrite and SupaBase backend-as-a-service (BaaS) platforms comparison
- Important AWS services and use cases
- Can we use MongoDB for real time apps like chat app?
- Using Firebase backend service vs developing custom backend - pros and cons
- How Cloudflare can help protect against DDoS attacks
- How to protect web app from the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
- System design interview questions and answers tips
- Core Web Vitals - LCP, FID and CLS
- Client storage technologies like cookie, local storage, session storage, indexedDB and use cases
- difference between HTTP and gRPC
- Web communication technologies and use cases
- Alternatives to websocket, http and SSE web communication technologies
- Difference between webhooks and websockets
- Server sent events with example
- is websocket protocol built on top of http protocol
- websocket vs http - which one to use for communication
- Long polling and short polling differences
- Hitesh Choudhary mocks Shradha Khapra of Apna College for open source express project PR drama
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- XP-Pen Artist setup guide
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- why quantitative traders are paid so much
- How to write mathematical or physics expressions in react
- Katex syntax to write mathematical expressions in html
- vercel LAMBDA_RUNTIME Failed to post handler success response. Http response code: "400"
- why AWS Lambda is important
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- Steps to Integrate stripe custom checkout in nextjs or react application
- MongoDB Or PostgreSQL - which database to use
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- Data transformation testing and challenges
- How to save data in mongodb using server actions in nextjs 13