Hot Courses for everyone
- ChatGPT
Hot Courses for content creators
- Photography and Videography
- Youtube as a career
- Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Photoshop
- Premier pro
- Adobe After Effects
Hot Courses to get into Software companies
- Git and github
- Network Protocols - HTTP, FTP, SSH, DNS, Telnet, SMTP
- Auth protocols - OAuth (JWT), OpenID, SAML, LDAP, Kerberos, PAP
- Docker
- K8s
- Cypress
- Postman
- Jmeter
- JavaScript
- Typescript
- Webpack
- NodeJS
- Jenkins
- Design Patterns
- FAANG interview Prep - DSA
- Devops - Package management tools - nuget, npm, maven repo, yum, Homebrew, rpm, chocolatey and build management tools
- Cloud computing - core concepts from aws/google cloud/azure
Hot Courses Automation Testing
- SoapUI (Ready API)
- Appium*
- Selenium*
- Cucumebr + Selenium*
- Specflow + C#.Net
- Automation Test Engineer
- JUnit
- TestNg
- NUnit
Hot Courses Web development
- CSS frameworks - Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Material UI
- React
- Front end tools - Storybook, React Component Explorer
- Top 10 JS libraries - Jquery
- NextJS
- Redux
- Front End Developer
- Back End Developer
- Full Stack Developer
- System Design Interview Prep
- .Net Full Stack
- Java Full Stack
- Python + Django + Full Stack
- PHP + Laravel Full Stack
- Ruby + Ruby on Rails + Full Stack
- Wordpress
- React Native
- Openshift
- Vue.js
- Angular JS
- iOS Developer
- Android Developer
- Redis
- Google Cloud Computing
- Azure
- IT Security Engineer
- System Engineer
- Octopus Deploy
- UI/UX engineer - Figma and Sketch
- Data Warehouse Architect
- Data Scientist
- Software Architect
- NodeJS and Twilio
- Magento - Ecommerce platform
- OpenCart - Store Management
- Web app pen tester - OWASP
- NoSQL - MongoDB
- Xamarin
- Entity Framework
Hot Language Courses
- C
- C++
- Python
- Java
- Go
- Kotlin
- Swift
- Rust
- R
- Ruby
Upcoming changes
- Image editor online - tensorflow, sharp, cropperjs, jimp, image-js, ,, crop, resize, jpg to png, background removal, tensorflow
- pdf converters and compressers
- Layouts, Themes -,,
- Plugins -
- Images for some courses on cc express
- max width - pre
- test links of tutorials
- make sure posttop and bottom component is added in all tutorials
- Internships pages in console
- Final year project sponsorship in console
- Theme marketplace
- Email from amazon
- Cloud and coding channel - email address - check drafts
- Technical Tutorial using md syntax
- Tutorial - C, C++, JS, HTML, CSS, react, django, python, robotframework, angular
- Website testing
- Landing page
- VScode, intellij, laravel, django, flask
- why image 100% not working
- Setting up react/express project
- Setting up nextjs project
- Video Tutorial - react, JS, angular, prisma, google workspace + use powerdirector
- md to website using static props in nextjs
- Calculator site - e.g. or - finance, metric conversion calculators
- dev utilities - e.g. json schema generator, xml viewer, base64, url encode, image to base64, markdown to html, base64 to image,
- JS for web development - utitlies like go to top, social media etc
- Maths -
- Electrical engineers -
- Unit Converters -
- Thumbnail makers, Image compressers - and and collage makers
- Video - ffmpeg and jimp - compress video, video converter, gif maker
- Website layouts
- Servers - nginx, apache, express, nextjs server
- Databases - mysql, mongodb, prisma, postgress
- Clouds - aws, google cloud, azure
- Free logo making -
- Roles - Tester, Devops engineer, Cloud architect, full stack engineer, Front end dev, back end dev
- Branded APIs - FB api, github api, Google APIs
Advanced Upcoming changes
- Full SSL + Cloudflare - needs upgrade of dynos
- Disuqs comments removed as it was slowing down site and calling 3rd party websites
- Contact Us + captcha + email + mongodb
- Sign in link + mongodb
- Stripe live keys - register for live training
- Oauth credentials
- Next-Auth variable
- Sign out function
Upcoming changes
- Fix meta
- Mongo db errors
- 404 in nextjs13
- Adsense
- favicon
- code highlighter - not working in nextjs13
- code highlighter -
- twitter/social media share
- Auth for add blog
Upcoming fixes
- Copy code button on mobile devices is scrolling