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how to convert less and sass to plain css files

Converting LESS and SASS/SCSS files to plain CSS is a standard part of web development workflows. This process is known as "compilation," where the preprocessor scripts are transformed into browser-readable CSS files. Here’s how to do it for both LESS and SASS.

Converting SASS/SCSS to CSS

To convert SASS or SCSS to CSS, you'll need a SASS compiler. The most common method is to use Node.js with a package called node-sass or the newer Dart Sass. Here are the steps using Dart Sass, which is now the primary implementation recommended by the SASS team.

  1. Install Node.js: Ensure Node.js is installed on your machine. You can download it from nodejs.org.

  2. Install Dart Sass: Open your terminal or command prompt and install Dart Sass globally (or locally, if you prefer) using npm:

    npm install -g sass
  3. Compile SASS/SCSS to CSS: Navigate to the directory containing your .scss or .sass files and run the following command:

    sass input.scss output.css

    Replace input.scss with the path to your source file and output.css with the desired output file path. You can also set up a watch to automatically compile files as they change:

    sass --watch input.scss:output.css

Converting LESS to CSS

For LESS, you will use a similar approach, primarily involving Node.js and the LESS package.

  1. Install Node.js: Make sure Node.js is installed on your machine.

  2. Install LESS: Install the LESS compiler globally using npm:

    npm install -g less
  3. Compile LESS to CSS: Go to your LESS file's directory and run the following command:

    lessc input.less output.css

    Replace input.less with your LESS file and output.css with where you want your CSS file saved. To watch for changes and automatically compile, you can use:

    lessc --watch input.less output.css

Additional Tips

Published on: Apr 28, 2024, 11:37 AM  


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