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Major Crop Yields in the USA - How much ton per acre?

In this blog, we will explore the average yield per acre for Major crops produced in the USA and some factors that influence these yields.

1. Corn (Maize):

2. Soybeans:

3. Wheat:

4. Sorghum:

5. Rice:

6. Potatoes:

7. Barley:

8. Grapes (Including Wine and Table Grapes):

9. Tomatoes:

10. Apples:

11. Sugar Beets:

12. Peanuts:

13. Canola:

14. Sunflower:

15. Dry Edible Beans:

Please note that A bushel is a unit of measurement used in agriculture to quantify the volume of dry commodities such as grains, fruits, and vegetables. It is commonly used in the United States and Canada to express the quantity of crops harvested or traded. The exact volume of a bushel varies depending on the type of commodity being measured.

For example: For grains like corn, wheat, and soybeans, a bushel is equivalent to approximately 8 gallons or 35.24 liters. For fruits and vegetables like apples, potatoes, and tomatoes, a bushel is usually defined as 32 quarts or about 9.31 gallons.

Published on: Aug 01, 2023, 01:43 AM  


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