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Differences between Shednet, Polyhouse and Greenhouse

Here are differences between Shednet, Polyhouse and Greenhouse.

1. Shednet (Shade Net House):

A shednet, also known as a shade net house, is a structure covered with shade nets or mesh materials that provide partial shading to the plants inside. It is designed to protect crops from excessive sunlight and heat while still allowing some light to pass through. The main purpose of a shednet is to reduce temperature fluctuations and minimize water evaporation, making it suitable for cultivating shade-loving plants.

When to use a Shednet:

2. Polyhouse (Polytunnel):

A polyhouse, also known as a polytunnel, is a structure covered with UV-stabilized polyethylene or plastic film that allows diffused sunlight to enter while retaining heat and humidity. Unlike shednets, polyhouses create a controlled environment for year-round cultivation of various crops. They provide protection from adverse weather conditions, pests, and diseases, allowing farmers to extend the growing season.

When to use a Polyhouse:

3. Greenhouse:

A greenhouse is a structure with a transparent roof and walls, typically made of glass or polycarbonate, which allows maximum sunlight to enter and traps heat inside. Greenhouses offer a fully controlled environment for plants, with temperature, humidity, and light levels optimized for optimal growth. They provide protection from external elements and allow year-round cultivation of various crops.

When to use a Greenhouse:

Choosing Between Polytunnel and Greenhouse:

The choice between a polytunnel and a greenhouse depends on various factors, including:

Published on: Jul 22, 2023, 08:52 AM  


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