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Banana farming in Maharashtra

Banana (also called as kela in hindi and Marathi) farming can be very profitable if done properly. Here is some important information related to Banana Farming.

1. Site Selection:

2. Variety Selection:

3. Land Preparation:

4. Weather Requirements:

5. Planting:

-Each sapling will cost around Rs 15 to Rs 20. Plant banana suckers or tissue-cultured plantlets at a spacing of around 4 feet between plants and 8 feet between rows. Ensure that the planting holes are deep enough to accommodate the root system. Around 1000 suckers can be planted in a acre.

6. Soil pH and Fertilization:

7. Irrigation:

8. Mulching:

9. Weed Control:

10. Disease and Pest Management:

11. Support and Propping:

12. Fruit Bagging:

13. Harvesting:

14. Post-Harvest Handling:

15. Cost and Profit:

By considering the weather conditions, providing proper fertilization and soil pH adjustment, and implementing appropriate irrigation and pest management practices, banana farming in Maharashtra can be a successful and rewarding endeavor for farmers.

Published on: Jul 26, 2023, 12:25 AM  


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