Maven integration in testng

Maven has a very good support for TestNG framework. Maven commands to execute TestNG tests
  • To run all testNG tests, you can use – mvn test
  • To execute tests from specific groups, you can use – mvn test -Dgroups=”sanity,smoke”
  • To execute tests apart from specific groups, you can use – test -Dgroups=!”reg”
  • To execute tests from specific test class, you can use – test -Dtest=BankTest
  • To execute specific test method from specific test class, you can use – test -Dtest=BankTest#test2
Surefire plugin configuration to execute TestNG tests Surefire plugin provides lot of configuration options as mentioned below.
  • We can use suiteXmlFile tag to specify the xml file containing tests to be run.
  • We can use groups tag to specify the names of groups that we want to run.
  • excludedGroups tag can be used to skip tests belonging to specific groups.
  • We can use parallel tag to specify the type of parallelism. Possible values are methods, classes etc.
  • We can use excludes tag to exclude specific test classes from running.
Here is the sample suite.xml file.
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "" >
<suite name="Component Tests" verbose="2" annotations="JDK">
    <test name="a-t1" preserve-order="true" >
            <class name="org.softpost.AppTest" />

Here is the sample surefire plugin block.


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