Gradle Tutorial
Introduction Installation Creating project using command line Simple gradle project in IntelliJ IDEA build.gradle file settings.gradle file Directory structure of Gradle project Built-in tasks User defined tasks Task dependencies Running gradle tasks Grouping tasks Repository management in Gradle Declaring dependencies in Gradle JUnit TestNG Test execution reports in Gradle Creating executable Jar using Gradle Generating project API documentation in Gradle Publishing and deployment of artifact in GradleBuilt in tasks in gradle
Here is the list of built-in tasks supported by gradle.- Build tasks – assemble, build, buildDependents, buildNeeded, classes, clean, jar, testClasses, compileJava, compileTestJava, processResources
- Build setup – init, wrapper
- Documentation – javadoc
- help – components, dependencies, dependencyInsight, help, model, projects, properties, tasks
- Verification – check, test
- assemble – Assembles the outputs of this project. Creates a jar for the project
- build – Assembles and tests this project. It is actually a combination of 2 tasks- assemble, check
- buildDependents – builds this project and all projects that depend on it.
- compileJava – Compiles Java source files.
- processResources – Processes main resources
- classes – Assembles source classes. It depends on compileJava and processResources
- jar – Creates a jar containing source files
- compileTestJava – Compiles test files
- processTestResources – Processes test resources
- testClasses – Assembles test classes. It depends on compileJava, processResources, classes, compileTestJava, processTestResources
- init – Initializes a new Gradle build
- wrapper – Generates Gradle wrapper files
- javadoc – Generates documentation for source files.
- components – Displays the components produced by root project
- dependencies – Displays all dependencies declared in root project
- dependencyInsight – Displays the insight into a specific dependency in root project
- help – Displays a help message.
- model – Displays the configuration model of root project
- projects – Displays the sub-projects of root project
- properties – Displays the properties of root project like build directory, tasks information, project directory, documentation directory etc
- tasks – Displays the tasks of root project
- test – Runs the unit tests
- check – Runs all checks including unit tests and any verification specified by plugins.
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