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what is URL shortning

Long url is converted to short url.

Benefits of url shortening

There are several reasons why we may need to shorten a URL:

  • Character limit: It is better to have Shorter url because some platforms like twitter has character limit. e.g. If you want to tweet something, you can not exceed 280 characters. So If url is too long, you may not be able to add content in same tweet.
  • Aesthetics: Long URLs can often look unwieldy and unappealing, especially when displayed in a message or on a webpage. A shorter URL can be easier on the eyes and look more professional.
  • Trackability: Many URL shortening services offer analytics and tracking features, allowing you to see how many clicks your shortened URL has received, where the clicks are coming from, and other useful information. This can be valuable for businesses and individuals who want to measure the effectiveness of their online campaigns.
  • Security: Long URLs can sometimes be a security risk, especially if they contain sensitive information such as login credentials. Shortening the URL can make it less likely to be targeted by hackers or phishers. Additionally, some URL shortening services may offer additional security features such as scanning URLs for malware or phishing attempts.

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