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Websocket use cases

WebSockets were introduced as part of the HTML5 initiative and became an official standard in 2011. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in December 2011. It represents a significant advancement in web technologies by providing a full-duplex communication channel over a single, long-lived connection between the browser (client) and the server.

What WebSockets Do:

The WebSocket protocol enables interactive communication sessions between a user's browser and a server. With WebSockets, both the client and server can send data at any time, allowing for the development of real-time, interactive web applications. This is a major improvement over the traditional HTTP request/response model, which is unidirectional and requires the client to initiate all communication.

Key Features and Uses of WebSockets:

How WebSockets Work:

  1. Handshake: The WebSocket connection starts with an HTTP handshake, which includes an upgrade request from the client to the server. If the server supports WebSockets, it responds with an upgrade header in the response, establishing the WebSocket connection.

  2. Data Transfer: After the handshake, the connection is upgraded from HTTP to WebSocket, and data can be sent back and forth between the client and server in full duplex.

  3. Close Connection: Either the client or server can initiate closing the WebSocket connection when the data exchange is complete.

WebSockets represented a significant leap forward in web development capabilities, enabling more sophisticated and interactive web applications. Despite the introduction of other real-time technologies and protocols, WebSockets remain a fundamental part of the modern web development stack due to their simplicity, efficiency, and broad support across web browsers.

Published on: Feb 28, 2024, 01:18 AM  


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