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top 50 open source projects

Here is the List of top 50 open source projects!

  1. Linux Kernel - Linus Torvalds/Linux Foundation
  2. Git - Originally developed by Linus Torvalds
  3. Apache HTTP Server - Apache Software Foundation
  4. MySQL - Originally developed by MySQL AB, now owned by Oracle Corporation
  5. Python - Python Software Foundation, originally created by Guido van Rossum
  6. Docker - Docker, Inc.
  7. Kubernetes (K8s) - Cloud Native Computing Foundation (originally developed by Google)
  8. Mozilla Firefox - Mozilla Foundation
  9. VLC Media Player - VideoLAN non-profit organization
  10. Android - Google/Open Handset Alliance
  11. PostgreSQL - PostgreSQL Global Development Group
  12. Node.js - Node.js Foundation
  13. React - Facebook
  14. Angular - Google
  15. Vue.js - Evan You
  16. Elasticsearch - Elastic NV
  17. TensorFlow - Google Brain Team
  18. Apache Hadoop - Apache Software Foundation
  19. Apache Kafka - Apache Software Foundation (originally developed by LinkedIn)
  20. MongoDB - MongoDB Inc.
  21. Redis - Salvatore Sanfilippo in collaboration with Redis Labs
  22. Nginx - Originally developed by Igor Sysoev, now part of F5, Inc.
  23. Bootstrap - Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter
  24. jQuery - jQuery Foundation
  25. WordPress - WordPress Foundation
  26. Apache Cassandra - Apache Software Foundation (originally developed by Facebook)
  27. OpenSSL - OpenSSL Project
  28. Ubuntu - Canonical Ltd.
  29. Fedora - Fedora Project (sponsored by Red Hat)
  30. Debian - The Debian Project
  31. GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) - Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis
  32. GNOME - GNOME Project
  33. KDE Plasma - KDE e.V.
  34. Apache Spark - Apache Software Foundation
  35. Ansible - Originally developed by Michael DeHaan, now part of Red Hat
  36. Terraform - HashiCorp
  37. Prometheus - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  38. GraphQL - Facebook
  39. OpenStreetMap - OpenStreetMap Foundation
  40. Flutter - Google
  41. Electron - GitHub
  42. Rust - Mozilla Research
  43. Spring Framework - Pivotal Software (now part of VMware)
  44. Apache Solr - Apache Software Foundation
  45. OpenJDK - Oracle Corporation and the OpenJDK community
  46. MariaDB - MariaDB Corporation Ab and the MariaDB Foundation
  47. GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) - GNU Project
  48. Jenkins - Jenkins community, originally developed by Kohsuke Kawaguchi
  49. Apache Cordova - Apache Software Foundation
  50. Emacs - GNU Project, originally created by Richard Stallman
Published on: Mar 19, 2024, 06:16 AM  


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