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top 5 websites for finding remote software engineering jobs

For software engineers specifically seeking remote work, there are several platforms that cater to tech jobs and offer a vast array of remote opportunities in software development, engineering, and related fields. Here are the top 5 websites for finding remote software engineering jobs.

  1. Stack Overflow Jobs: Stack Overflow is not just a Q&A site for programmers; it also has a jobs section where many companies post their development and engineering positions, including remote roles. It's a great place to find software engineering jobs because you can filter your job search by technology stack, salary range, and, of course, remote options.

  2. GitHub Jobs: GitHub, the leading software development platform used for code sharing and version control, also features a job board. While GitHub decided to wind down GitHub Jobs, the platform had been a popular place for developers to find remote work in the tech industry. It's worth noting for those who might be seeking out the remnants of this resource or looking towards GitHub's community channels for potential leads.

  3. We Work Remotely: We Work Remotely is one of the largest remote work communities in the world, and it features a variety of remote jobs in programming, design, and more. The site is simple to navigate and focuses specifically on remote positions, making it easier for software engineers to find relevant opportunities.

  4. ziprecruiter: ziprecruiter is one of the leading website where you can find remote jobs as well.

  5. indeed.com: Indeed.com also lists various remote jobs for software developers.

Published on: Mar 07, 2024, 12:09 AM  


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