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System design interview questions and answers tips

System design interview questions assess a candidate's ability to design and understand complex systems. Here’s a list of top 10 system design interview questions along with a brief overview of how one might approach the answers. For the sake of brevity, I'll provide high-level guidelines for answering these questions, as detailed answers would require a more in-depth discussion.

1. Design a URL Shortening Service (like Bitly)

2. Design Twitter

3. Design a Chat Application (like WhatsApp)

4. Design an E-commerce System (like Amazon)

5. Design a Video Streaming Service (like Netflix)

6. Design a Ride-Sharing Service (like Uber)

7. Design a Social Media Feed (like Facebook's News Feed)

8. Design a Distributed File System (like HDFS)

9. Design a Web Crawler

10. Design a Key-Value Store (like Redis)

Answering Approach:

For each question, consider following a structured approach:

  1. Clarify Requirements: Understand both functional and non-functional requirements.
  2. High-Level Design: Propose a high-level architecture, including major components and how they interact.
  3. Deep Dive: Discuss key components in detail, considering scalability, reliability, and relevant technologies.
  4. Data Model: Describe the data model or schema if applicable.
  5. Trade-offs: Discuss trade-offs and justify your design choices.
  6. Scaling: Explain how your design scales and handles failure scenarios. With message queues, you can make your system higly scalable so that it can handle peak traffic.
Published on: Feb 26, 2024, 03:03 AM  


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