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does await defeat purpose of async programming?

The await keyword in asynchronous programming, particularly in languages like JavaScript, doesn't defeat the purpose of async programming; rather, it enhances it by making asynchronous code more readable and easier to write in a synchronous manner, without blocking the main thread.

Purpose of Async Programming

The primary goal of asynchronous programming is to perform long-running tasks (like I/O operations) without freezing the application. This is particularly crucial in environments like web browsers or Node.js, where a blocking operation can render the application unresponsive.

Role of await

  1. Readability: Before the introduction of async/await, asynchronous code in JavaScript relied heavily on callbacks and, later, promises. While powerful, these approaches could lead to complex code structures, known as "callback hell" or intricate chains of promise handlers. await allows you to write async code that looks and behaves like synchronous code, making it easier to read and understand.

  2. Error Handling: Async/await makes error handling more straightforward because you can use traditional try/catch blocks around asynchronous code, similar to synchronous code.

  3. Sequential Execution: Sometimes, you need to perform asynchronous operations in sequence, where each operation depends on the result of the previous one. Using await makes this pattern much simpler to implement compared to chaining promises.

How It Works Without Blocking

await pauses the execution of the async function in a non-blocking way. When an await statement is encountered, the JavaScript engine can perform other tasks (like UI updates, responding to user input, or executing other asynchronous code) while waiting for the awaited promise to resolve. Once the promise settles, the async function resumes execution at the point where it was paused.


Published on: Mar 11, 2024, 10:47 PM  


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