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Difference between webhooks and websockets

Webhooks and WebSockets are both technologies used for real-time data transfer over the web, but they serve different purposes and operate in fundamentally different ways. Understanding the distinction between them can help in choosing the right technology for specific use cases.


  1. Bidirectional Communication: WebSockets provide a full-duplex communication channel over a single, long-lived connection. This means data can flow freely in both directions (from client to server and server to client) at any time, making WebSockets ideal for real-time, interactive applications.

  2. Persistent Connection: Once a WebSocket connection is established, it remains open, allowing for ongoing communication without the need to repeatedly establish connections. This reduces latency and overhead, benefiting applications requiring rapid updates or real-time interaction, such as live chat applications, real-time gaming, or financial trading platforms.

  3. Complexity and Overhead: Implementing WebSockets can be more complex due to the need to manage persistent connections and handle issues like connection drops and retries. Additionally, keeping many connections open simultaneously can increase server resource consumption.


  1. One-way Notification: Webhooks are essentially user-defined HTTP callbacks, which are triggered by specific events. When an event occurs, the source site makes an HTTP request to the URL configured for the webhook. This allows for pushing data from the server to a client or another server in response to events.

  2. Event-driven: Webhooks are used to notify external systems or services about events that have occurred, making them suitable for integrating and extending different systems. For example, a webhook might notify your application when a new issue is created in a project management tool or when a transaction is processed in a payment gateway.

  3. Simplicity and Efficiency: Webhooks are relatively simple to implement, as they rely on standard HTTP requests. They are efficient for scenarios where intermittent, event-driven notifications are required, without the need for an open, continuous connection between the client and server.

Key Differences

Published on: Feb 26, 2024, 12:04 AM  


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