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10x in 10 years CAGR

CAGR to increase your money 10 times in 10 years

You need 26% CAGR to 10x your money in 10 years!!

Mohnish Pabrai's Car license plate

Mohnish Pabrai's car license plate is COMLB 26.

In short, Mohnish wants to say that he wants to compound at 26% and he has done this since 1995 by copying Warren Buffet!!

Major milestones with 26% CAGR

So If you manage to save 1 crore around 40 years of age and manage to get 26% CAGR for next 30 years, you can make 1000 crore by the time you turn 70 year old (70 is an average life span in India).

In dollar terms, If you manage to save $100k at 40 years of age and manage to get 26% CAGR for next 30 years, you can make $100 million by the time you turn 70 year old.

Published on: Aug 31, 2023, 05:26 AM  


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