description programming in leanft in C sharp

We can use below syntax in C#.Net to identify the objects using Description programming. We can pass multiple property-value pairs to identify the object uniquely in LeanFT. In first example below, we have used XPATH property to identify the input box in a web page. In second example, we have used WindowClassRegExp and WindowTitleRegExp properties to identify the notepad Window. In the last example, we have used WindowClassRegExp and NativeClass properties to identify the text area in notepad.
// Find edit box using Xpath
IEditField firstName = browser.Describe <IEditField>(new EditFieldDescription
    XPath = "//input[@id='fn']"

IWindow notepadWindow = Desktop.Describe<IWindow>(new WindowDescription
    WindowClassRegExp = "Notepad",
    WindowTitleRegExp = " Notepad"

IEditor editor = notepadWindow.Describe<IEditor>(new EditorDescription
    WindowClassRegExp = "Edit",
    NativeClass = "Edit"

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