Installation of android emulator

You need to download and install below tools.
  • JDK
  • Android SDK tools
Android SDK is the tool kit developed by Google for developing the applications for Android OS. SDK tools include below tools.
  • AVD Manager – used for managing the virtual devices (Emulators)
  • Debugger – DDMS, ADB
  • Android Libraries
Once you download the Android SDK, go to the installation directory and open SDK Manager. SDK Manager allows you to download and install the Android tools like ADB, emulator, API libraries, Monitor, DDMS etc.

SDK manager

proxy server settings for Android SDK Below image shows Android SDK manager window.

Android ADK Manager

SDK manager allows you to install/uninstall build tools and Android API libraries. You can see which tools are installed in Status column. To install specific tool, just select the checkbox in front of the tool and click on install. The requested packages will be downloaded and installed in your installation directory. If you are behind the proxy, you will have to provide the proxy server details in below screen. You can access proxy details window by clicking on Tools - options menu in above window.After installation of all SDK tools, my Android SDK directory looks like below.

Android directory

Tools folder looks like below. It contains many important tools like DDMS, emulator, monitor, monkey runner, android etc.

Android SDK tools directory

Platform-tools folder contains important debug tool called as ADB.

Android SDK platform tools

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